Review of the III IxDA Munich Meeting on 11.01.2010


We had some good news to share at this meeting:

The Munich IxDA group has reached 50 members and is still growing!

We were contacted by the organization of the UX Lx: User Experience Lisbon ( This conference for User Experience Professionals will take place from the 12th to the 14th of May 2012 and is accepting submissions for talks until the end of January 2010. They also offered for all members of the IxDA Munich chapter a 15% discount off the price on any ticket! Contact the coordinators for the discount code.

Janna Hicks DeVylder, the current president of the IxDA, is visiting Munich for the UPA 2010 (Usability Professionals’ Association International Conference, May 2010).  We would like to invite her to one of our meetings or maybe organise something special, suggestions are welcome!

Also on this session two colleagues shared some of their projects with us:

Shuai Yang, Student at the Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd and currently based in Munich presented his project “Kippen weg” an experimental approach to prevent cigarette stub littering in a School yard through making a game out of it. This encouraged a discussion afterwards about the different possible solutions for such a problem and how the selection of one or another is conditioned by the requirements and possibilities of the client.

Fabricio Dore from IDEO talked about Que, a very innovative e-Reader recently developed by an IDEO team. Questions, such as, till what extent is printed paper going to be substituted? or, are we going to lose the feeling of real paper? were discussed afterwards. Fabricio also talked about his experience in the design of  My Ford Touch, a very challenging project in which car navigation, entertainment and other controls were successfully integrated in a screen on the cockpit.

Our next meeting is scheduled for the 22nd of February. More details about the next session in the next few days. Follow the details also on Linkedin.

Thanks again IDEO for hosting the meeting, providing beverages and snacks.