Virtual Seminar Coming Up

IxDA Design Seminars

Dear IxD fans,

The IxDA Munich is organizing a FREE viewing of a virtual seminar, followed by a discussion. Date and place is still not set but it will happen in a few weeks.

At this occasion, User Interface Engineering (UIE) is donating us online access to one of their well known seminars. User Interface Engineering is a leading research, training, and consulting firm specializing in web site and product usability. Jared M. Spool founded the company back in 1988 and has built UIE into the largest organization of its kind in the world.

While we set up all the necessary for this learning event, we would like you to vote for the seminar you would like to see this time.

[polldaddy poll=”3298660″]

Please contact the local leaders if you had questions about this event or wanted to sponsor more learning opportunities for the interaction design community in Munich.

Alexis Brion

Image by Juhansonin, modified by Alexis Brion