November 21, Service Design Jam with Lenja Sorokin and Sebastian Wendlandt

Update: see event pictures (21.11.2011)

Whole new industries emerge that base their revenue on selling services instead of ‘hard’ products. When designing for services interaction designers have to bear in mind how a single device is nested into the service environment by taking a more holistic stance.

Services can be described as ecosystems consisting of customers, manifold service touch points, a variety of technologies and of course service providers and sub-service providers. Hence, designing for services often resembles systems design with the exception that due to their intangible character services are much harder to address.

In their workshop Lenja Sorokin and Sebastian Wendlandt will invite participants to sketch services. They will present a hands-on approach with basic tinkering material that transforms intangible service systems into tangible boundary objects.

Lenja Sorokin and Sebastian Wendlandt will demonstrate a creative and designerly method that allows participants to visualize flows of tangible goods, intangible values and information. And what’s more the system can be easily manipulated in order to simulate effects of intervention into the service ecosystem.

Lenja Sorokin and Sebastian Wendlandt currently work as interaction designers at UID.

When? November 21, 2011. 19:00.
Where? UID GmbH, Claudius-Keller-Straße 3c, 81669 München
How much? This is a free of charge event.
Length? Introduction 10min, workshop 1h 30min
Language? English

Image by Brandon Schauer.

We thank our sponsor for providing location, sandwiches and drinks.