When? Monday, March 7th, 2016, at 19:00
Where? Phoenix Design, Hans-Fischer-Straße 10, 80339 Munich Map
FREE event (but registration is required!)
Import IxDA Munich Calendar
On earning respect and doing what we love by Santiago Bustelo
Our career and our professional relationships are a design problem that we can solve with a design process. How can we designers get the professional respect we want? This talk explores several topics and models that can help not only you, but the design community as well, along the way. Amongst others, the respect ladder and its levels: Professionalism, leadership and entrepreneurship.
Unfortunately, this talk is already over. You can take a look at the deck here:
About Santi
Santiago is a UX Consultant, designer, developer, mentor, teacher, author and speaker.
Santiago had his first contact with interaction design in 1997 – designing business simulations. Since then, he has participated in design and development projects for Argentina, Chile, Spain, the United States and England.
He is the Founder and Local Leader of IxDA BA (Buenos Aires Interaction Design Association local group). IxDA Latin America Regional Coordinator 2010-2015. Organizer and collaborator of the main UX events in Argentina since 2010.
He has given presentations and workshops on Usability, Interaction Design and User Centered Design since 2001 in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, United States, Canada, Ireland and the Netherlands.
Without ROI there’s no design by Sol Mesz
Without design there is no product. But without product there’s no design. That’s why the user experience must be conceived with business goals in mind. But Designers tend to focus on the users, while the Business on KPIs, creating a gap that’s difficult to bridge. Thus, Designers feel excluded from product decisions, and Business areas feel that Designers don’t consider business needs into their designs. This talk shows the role of Design seen from a Product Manager’s perspective, and provides a few ideas that can help Design and Business understand each other in order to improve communication, increase collaboration and avoid friction. These tools will help Designers increase their influence in Product decisions.
Unfortunately, this talk is already over. You can take a look at the deck here:
About Sol
For the last 15 years, as a Product Manager she has been responsible for the User Experience, conversion and business performance of a variety of products for companies including Fortune 10, Start-ups and Non-profits in the US, Australia, and Argentina. Her toolbox includes: UX research, Web Analytics, A/B and Multivariate testing, site search, email marketing, social media. She’s not only a user of these tools, but also helping define the business requirements for implementing some of them. Her specialties: Product strategy, Conversion strategies, ROI, Product lifecycle management. A large part of her role includes routinely interacting with designers, developers and business management to understand firsthand the mindset and expectations of each when it comes to putting it all together.
We would like to thank Phoenix Design GmbH and Userzoom GmbH for supporting the local IxD community! Drinks and snacks will be provided.
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